domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010


2 comentarios:

  1. Very sexually explicit portraits, like many portraits I've seen in some academic or neo-classical artwork. I comfirmed my homosexuality by finding some male portraits in some history books pretty interesting and strongly teasing, some portraits of phylosophers, writers, priests, saints, etc.

  2. i remembre feeling 1strange, yet abstract emotion, back to my 5 y/o, when i heard jorge beleva'n in "bnos. di'as peru' " -i was having a shower-, and i said: "iz dat what they call frustration?" ..
    that's one of the moments i somehow knew what my soul needed ..


    the other issue, concerning a duality like monster/affection, shall link back to "ashes to ashes" by david bowie, and that's another story ..

    thank thee thur, pietr ..
